Pin Code For Kothur BO BACK
Office | Kothur BO | Pincode | 505525 |
Taluk | NA | Divison | Peddapalli |
District | Karim Nagar | Region | Hyderabad |
Circle | Andhra Pradesh | State | TELANGANA |
Country | India | Telephone No. | NA |
Office Type | B.O | Delivery Status | Delivery |
Related sub office | Eligaid S.O | Related Head Office | Peddapalli H.O |
or Choose Office from list below
Achampalli BO Adivipadira BO Aggimalla BO Ailapur SO Aithpalli BO Akkannapet BO Algunur BO Allipur BO Almaspur BO Ambaripet BO Ambaripet SO Ammakkapet BO Ananthagiri BO Ananthapalli BO Anantharam BO Annaram BO Anpur BO Anthakpet SO Anthergaon BO Arepalli BO Arevelli BO Arnakonda BO Arpapalli BO Asifnagar BO Atmakur BO Atmakur BO Badnapalli BO Balarajpalli BO Balwanthapur BO Bandalingampalli BO Bandankal BO Bandapalli BO Baswapur BO Baswapur BO Bathkapalli BO Bavasaipet BO Beerpur BO Bejjanki SO Bheemaram BO Bhoopalapatnam BO Bhoopathipur BO Bhushanraopet BO Boenpalli SO Bommakal BO Bommena BO Bonala BO Bornapalli BO Buggaram BO Chakunta BO Chandoli BO Chandrampet BO Chandurthi BO Chavulamaddi BO Cheelapur BO Cheerlavancha BO Chegurthi BO Chekkapalli BO Chekode BO Chelgal BO Chengerla BO Cheppial BO Chigurumamidi BO Chilvakodur BO Chinnalingapur BO Chinnametpalli BO Chintakunta BO Chintalathana BO Chinthakunta BO Chittapur BO Chityalapalli BO Choppadandi SO Choutapalli BO Collectorate Complex SO Dabba BO Dacharam BO Dacharam BO Dammannapet BO Darur BO Desaipet BO Deshrajpalli BO Dharmapuri SO Dharmarajpalli BO Dharmaram BO Dist Court Building SO Donthapur BO Donur BO Dulur BO Dumala BO Dumpet BO Durshed BO Ekeenpur BO Elgandal SO Ellanthakunta BO Endapalli SO Erdandi BO Fazilnagar BO Gagillapur BO Gajasingaram BO Galipalli BO Gambhiraopet SO Gambirpur BO Gandhichowk Srisilla SO Gandhinagar BO Gandipalli BO Ganeervaram BO Gangadhara SO Garjanapalli BO Garshakurthy BO Gattubhuthkur BO Gattududdenapalli BO Godhalpet BO Gollapalli BO Gollapalli SO Karim Nagar Gopalpur BO Gopalraopet BO Gorintial BO Gouravelli BO Govindaram BO Gudem BO Gudur BO Gugilla BO Gullakota BO Gumlapur BO Gundaram BO Gundareddipalli BO Gundi BO Gunukula Kondapur BO Habshipur BO Hanmajipet BO Husnabad SO Karim Nagar Ibrahimnagar BO Ibrahimpatnam SO Karim Nagar Indurthi BO Itikyal BO Jabithapur BO Jagadevpet BO Jaggasagar BO Jagtial HO Jaina BO Jangaon BO Jangapalli BO Jawaharnagar SO Karim Nagar Jillella BO Joganapalli BO Jogapur BO Jublikaman SO Kachapur BO Kalleda BO Kallepalli BO Kallur BO Kalvakota BO Kamalapur BO Kamanpur BO Kanagarthi BO Kandikatkur BO Kandlapalli BO Kandrikala BO Kapparaopet BO Karimnagar HO Kathalapur BO Katkapur BO Katkur BO Katkur BO Katlakunta BO Katnapalli BO Keshavapur BO Khila Jagtial SO Kishandaspet SO Kishanraopet BO Kodimial SO Kodurpaka SO Koheda BO Kolanur BO Kolimikunta BO Kolvai BO Komatikondapur BO Konapur BO Konaraopet BO Konaraopet BO Kondapur BO Kondapur BO Kondapur BO Koratla Bazar SO Koratla SO Koratlapet BO Korem BO Kothapalli BO Kothapalli BO Kothapalli SO Karim Nagar Kothapet BO Kuchanapalli BO Kummarpalli BO Kurella BO Kurikyal BO Laxmipur BO Laxmipur BO Laxmipuram BO Left Flank Katta Rampur BO Lingampet BO Lingampet BO Lingannapet BO Lingapur BO Lingapur BO Lingapur BO Lower Manair Dam Colony SO Madampalli BO Maddikunta BO Maddulapalli BO Maddutla BO Madhapur BO Madhunur BO Maidpalli BO Malakpet BO Malkapur BO Mallampalli BO Mallannapet BO Mallapur BO Mallapur BO Mallapur BO Mallapur BO Mallaram BO Mallareddipet BO Mallial BO Mallial SO Mamidipalli BO Manair Project BO Manakondur SO Manala BO Manala i BO Mandepalli BO Mangala BO Mannegudem BO Mannempalli BO Manwada BO Marpaka BO Marrigadda BO Marripalli SO Marthanpet BO Medpalli SO Mehtapur BO Metpalli Bazar SO Metpalli SO Mettachittapur BO Mirzapur BO Mogalpet BO Mohanraopet BO Moodapalli BO Mootapalli BO Morapalli BO Motha BO Mothe BO Mucherla BO Mudimanikyam BO Mukarampura SO Mukshanpet BO Mulkanur BO Munjampalli BO Mustabad SO Karim Nagar Muthunur BO Muthyampet BO Muthyampet SO Mylaram BO Nachupalli BO Nagaram BO Nagireddipur BO Nagnoor BO Nagnur Lachakkapet BO Nagulamallial BO Nagumpet BO Nakkalapet BO Nallagonda BO Namapur BO Namapur BO Namilikonda BO Nancherla BO Narayanapur BO Narayanpur BO Narayanpur BO Narmala BO Narsimulapalli BO Narsingapur BO Nawabpet BO Nedunur BO Nerella BO Nerella SO New Abadi Jagtial SO New Bus Stand Jagtial BO Nimmapalli BO Nizamabad BO Nookalamarri BO Nookapalli BO Nustulapur SO Ottimalla BO Ounur BO Padira BO Paidimadugu BO Pandilla BO Parlapalli BO Parveda BO Parvella BO Peddalingapur BO Peddapur BO Peddapur BO Peddur BO Pegadapalli BO Peggarla BO Pembatla BO Pochampad Project Colony SO Polampalli BO Polas SO Poodur BO Porandla BO Porandla BO Pormalla BO Potharam BO Potharam BO Potharam BO Potharam BO Pothgal BO Pothur BO Potlapalli BO Racherla Boppapur SO Ragampet BO Ragavpet BO Raghavapatnam BO Rahimkhanpet BO Raichpapalli BO Raikal SO Raipatnam BO Rajaram BO Ramadugu SO Ramajipet BO Ramancha BO Ramavaram BO Ramchandrapuram BO Ramnagar SO Karim Nagar Rampur BO Rampur BO RamsagarDabbathimmayapalli BO Rapalli BO Ratnapur BO Regonda BO Regulapalli BO Renikunta BO Repaka BO Revelli BO Rudrangi SO Rudraram BO Rudraram BO Rukmapur BO Ryalapalli BO Samudrala BO Samudralingapur BO Sangula BO Sankepalli BO Sarampalli BO Sarangapur BO Sarvareddypalli BO Sataram BO Satrajpalli BO Shakkella BO Shanagar BO Shanigaram SO Sharwapuram BO Sirikonda SO Karim Nagar Siripuram BO Sirkonda BO Sirsilla SO Srigadha BO Sriramulapalli BO Stambampalli BO Stambampalli BO Suddala BO Sunderagiri BO Tadagonda BO Tadoor SO Takkallapalli BO Takkallapalli BO Tallapalli BO Tandrial BO Tangallapalli BO Tattupalli BO Terlamaddi BO Thakkallapalli BO Thangallapalli BO Thatlavai BO Thatpalli BO Thimmapur BO Thimmapur BO Thimmapur BO Thimmapur BO Thimminala BO Thippannapet BO Thirumalapur BO Thirumalapur BO Thotapalli BO Thotapalli SO Karim Nagar Thungur BO Tippaipalli BO Tirumalapur BO Uppermallial BO Vachunur BO Vadloor BO Vadloorbegumpet BO Valbhapur BO Vallampalli BO Vallampatla BO Vamulakurthi BO Vannaram BO Vanthadupula BO Vardavelli BO Varkole BO Varsikonda BO Vedira BO Vedurgatta BO Veerlapalli BO Velchal BO Veldi BO Velgatur BO Velgipur BO Velgonda BO Vellolla BO Vempalli Venkatraopet BO Vempet BO Vemulawada SO Vengalaipet BO Venkataipalli BO Venkatapur BO Venkatrapur BO Venkatropet BO Venkatropet BO Venkatropet BO Venugumatla BO Vilasagar BO Vinjapalli BO Voblapur BO Yamapur BO Yellapur BO Yengal BO Yousufnagar BO APColony SO Karim Nagar Abadi Ramagundam BO Adavi Srirampur BO Adavisoman Palli BO Adivarampet BO Akunur BO Ambala BO Ambalapur BO Ambatpalli BO Ammanagurthi BO Amudalapalli BO Annaram BO Anthergan Textiles SO Appannapet BO Arenda BO Basanthnagar SO Bavpet BO Bayyaram BO Bedigal BO Begampet BO Bheemadevarapally SO Bheempalli BO Bijgir Shariff BO Bijnur BO Bojannapet BO Bommakal BO Bommanapalli BO Bommanapalli BO Bommapur BO Bonthakuntapalli BO Borlagudem BO Bornapalli BO Botlavanaparthi BO Brahmanpalli BO Buttareddy Gudem BO Centinary Colony SO Challur BO Chamanapalli BO Chamanpalli BO Chandapalli BO Chegaon BO Chelpur BO Cherlabuthkur BO Chinnakalavala BO Chintakani BO Damera BO Damerakunta BO Dandepalli BO Desaipalli BO Deshrajpalli BO Devampalli BO Dhanwada BO Dharmarajpalli BO Dharmaram BO Dharmaram BO Dharmaram BO Dharmaram BO Dongathurthi BO Duddenapalli BO Dulikatta BO Eklaspur BO Eklsapur BO Elabotharam BO Eligaid SO Elkalapalli BO Erukalagudem BO Fertilizercity SO G Narsingapur BO Gaddapaka BO Gangaram BO Gangaram BO Gangipalli BO Garepalli SO Gattepalli BO Ghanmukulu BO Ghanpur BO Godavarikhani SO Godishala BO Gollapalli BO Gopalapur BO Gopalpur BO Goyalwada BO Gudur BO Gujulapalli BO Gumpula BO Gundedu BO Guniparthi BO Gunjapadugu BO Gv8incline SO Huzurabad HO Indurthi BO Isala Thakkallapalli BO Itharajpalli BO Jallaram BO Jammikunta SO Janagaon BO Jayyaram BO Jeelugula BO Julapalli BO Julapalli BO Jupaka BO Jyothinagar SO Karim Nagar Kachapur BO Kachapur BO Kakathiya Canal Campus SO Kaleswaram BO Kalleda BO Kalvacharla BO Kalvasrirampur SO Kamalapur SO Karim Nagar Kamanpur SO Kanagarthi BO Kanagarthi BO Kanagarthi BO Kanaparthi BO Kandugula BO Kaniparthi BO Kannal BO Kannal BO Kannapur BO Kannaram BO Kannur BO Kanukula BO Kanukulagidda BO Kareemabadi SO Kataram SO Katekenapalli BO Katrapalli BO Keshanapalli BO Keshavapatnam SO Keshavapur BO Khammampalli BO Kistampet BO Kodurupaka BO Kolanur SO Komera BO Kondapaka BO Kondapalakala BO Koppur BO Korapalli BO Korkal BO Kothagutta BO Kothakonda BO Kothapalli BO Kothapalli BO Kothur BO Kukkalaguduru BO Kummarikunta BO Kunaram BO Kundanapalli BO Ladnapur BO Lakkaram BO Laxmipur BO Legalamarri BO Machinapalli BO Madaka BO Madannapeta BO Madhuda BO Madupalli BO Mahadevpur SO Karim Nagar Maidambanda BO Maidpalli BO Maidpalli BO Mallapuram BO Mallaram BO Mallaram BO Mallial BO Mallial BO Mallialpalli BO Mamidalapalli BO Mangampet BO Manikyapur BO Manthani SO Maredugonda BO Maredupaka BO Medaram SO Metpalli BO Mirzampet BO Mogilipalem BO Mohammadapur BO Molangur SO Motlapalli BO Mudriyal BO Mukdumpur BO Mulasala BO Mulkanur SO Munjampalli BO Muppirithota BO Murmur BO Mustafapur BO Mutharam BO Mutharam BO Mutharam BO Mutharam BO Nagaram BO Narayanapur BO Narsingapur BO Neerukulla BO Nerella BO Nittur BO Odedu BO Odela BO Ootur SO Palakurthi BO Palimela BO Palitham BO Pandilla BO Papaiahpalli BO Pathagudur BO Pathipaka BO Peddabonkur BO Peddakalvala BO Peddampet BO Peddapalli HO Peddapalli RS SO Peddathundla BO Pegadapalli BO Penchiklapet BO Perapalli BO Poosala BO Pothireddy Palli BO Pothireddypet BO Pothkapalli SO Potiyal BO Pp Colony SO Puchunur BO Purupalli BO Puttapaka BO Rachapalli BO Rachapalli BO Raghavapur BO Ragineedu BO Raikaldevpalli BO Rajapur BO Rajkal BO Ramagundam SO Ramchandrapur BO Rampalli BO Rampur BO Rangapuram BO Rathapalli BO Rathnagiri BO Rathnapur BO Reddypalli BO Regadi Maddikunta BO Rekonda BO Rompikunta BO Rudraram BO Saidapur SO Karim Nagar Sarsaid BO Scab SO Shaimpet BO Shanagonda BO Shanigaram BO Shivapalli BO Shivarampalli BO Singapur BO Siripuram BO Sirsapalli BO Suddala BO Sultanabad SO Sultanpur BO Sundilla BO Suraram BO Suraram BO T Maddikunta BO Tadicherla BO Tadikal SO Tekurthi BO Telukunta BO Thanugula BO Tharupalli BO Thummanapalli BO Tihimmapur BO Togarrai BO Ullampalli BO Uppal SO Karim Nagar Vadupulavancha BO Valbhapur BO Valbhapur BO Vallamkunta BO Vangapalli BO Vangara SO Vanthadupula BO Vavilala SO Veenavanka SO Veeranarayapur BO Vegurupalli BO Venkatapur BO Venkataraopalli BO Vennampalli BO Vennampalli BO Vilasagar BO Vilasagar BO Vittalanagar SO Wadakapur BO Yedlapalli BO Yelbaka BO Yelkathurthi SO Yellanthakunta BO Yeradapalli BO Yerraballi BOIn the Indian postal system:
- PIN: The term "PIN" stands for Postal Index Number.
- Format: The PIN code is a six-digit code.
- Structure: The PIN code is structured as follows: ABCDEF.
- A: Represents the postal zone of the destination.
- B: Represents the sub-zone or the circle.
- C: Represents the sorting district within the zone.
- DEF: Represents the specific post office within the sorting district.
For example, a PIN code like 110001 might be interpreted as follows:
- 1: Northern zone
- 10: Delhi circle
- 001: Connaught Place sorting district
A "PIN code" typically refers to a Postal Index Number code, commonly known as a PIN code, used in postal systems to facilitate the sorting and delivery of mail.
Key points about a PIN code include:
Format: The PIN code is a numerical code, usually composed of digits.
Function: The primary purpose of a PIN code is to identify specific geographic areas or post offices within a region. It helps postal services route mail efficiently to its destination.
Structure: The structure of the code may vary depending on the country's postal system. For example, in the Indian postal system:
- The PIN code is a six-digit number.
- The digits are organized to represent different levels of geographic location, such as the zone, circle, sorting district, and specific post office.
Usage: When sending mail, including the correct PIN code in the address helps ensure that the mail is directed to the right location during the sorting and delivery process.
Localization: Different countries have their own systems for postal codes, and the terminology may vary. For instance, in the United States, the term "ZIP code" is commonly used, while in the United Kingdom, it's referred to as a "postcode."
Efficiency: The use of PIN codes or postal codes is crucial for the efficient functioning of postal services, enabling them to handle large volumes of mail and deliver it accurately to specific destinations.
- "PIN Code Finder Pro: Locate Postal Codes Effortlessly"
- "Pinpoint Your PIN: The Ultimate Code Locator"
- "PIN Code Discovery: Your Essential Postal Tool"
- "PIN Code Explorer: Unlock Your Location Code"
- "Efficient PIN Code Finder: Your Postal Solution"
- "Seamless PIN Code Search: The Ultimate Locator"
- "Navigate Locations: PIN Code Finder Plus"
- "PIN Code Master: Your Location Code Companion"
- "Unlock Your Area: PIN Code Locator 2.0"
- "PIN Code Wizard: Precision at Your Fingertips"
- "PIN Code Explorer Pro: The Ultimate Locator Tool"
- "PIN Code Expert: Navigate Regions with Ease"
- "PIN Code Locator Hub: Where Regions Meet Precision"
- "Discover Your PIN: The Ultimate Code Finder"
- "PIN Code Pro Finder: Unleash Location Precision"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Prime"
- "Unlock Area Codes: PIN Code Search Plus"
- "Precision PIN Code Discovery: Finder X"
- "Master Your Region: PIN Code Finder Elite"
- "PIN Code Maestro: Effortless Location Navigation"
- "Navigate Localities: PIN Code Finder 360"
- "PIN Code Genius: Precision at Every Location"
- "PIN Code Locator Plus: Seamless Location Search"
- "PIN Code Navigator Pro: Unlock Region Codes"
- "Efficient PIN Code Discovery: Finder's Choice"
- "PIN Code Explorer Plus: Effortless Precision"
- "PIN Code Wizardry: Your Location Code Solution"
- "PIN Code Guru: Precision Location Navigation"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Workshop"
- "Unlock Locations: PIN Code Masterclass"
- "PIN Code Navigator: Unlocking Location Codes"
- "Discover Your Region: PIN Code Finder Atelier"
- "Efficient PIN Code Search: Finder's Arsenal"
- "PIN Code Explorer Supreme: Unlock Every Location"
- "Navigate Localities: PIN Code Finder Insight"
- "Mastering Location Codes: PIN Code Explorer X"
- "PIN Code Guru Plus: Unlocking Regions with Ease"
- "Effortless PIN Code Navigation: Finder's Loft"
- "PIN Code Expertise: Seamless Location Precision"
- "Unlock Your Area: PIN Code Finder Expert"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Workshop"
- "Discover Your PIN: The Ultimate Code Finder"
- "PIN Code Navigator Pro: Unlock Region Codes"
- "Efficient PIN Code Discovery: Finder's Choice"
- "PIN Code Explorer Plus: Effortless Precision"
- "PIN Code Wizardry: Your Location Code Solution"
- "PIN Code Guru: Precision Location Navigation"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Workshop"
- "Unlock Locations: PIN Code Masterclass"
- "PIN Code Navigator: Unlocking Location Codes"
What is the Pin Code of Kothur bo , Telangana?
Kothur bo Pin Code is 505525.
Kothur bo is located in Eligaid s.o Karim nagar , Telangana, India.
What is the contact address for Kothur bo Post Office, Telangana?
ZINZAKothur bo Post Office is located at Karim nagar , Telangana, 505525 .
Eligaid s.o Post Office is a Sub Post Office, which comes under the Head Post Office Peddapalli h.o.
What is the contact number for Kothur bo Post Office, Telangana?
You may contact the Kothur bo Post Office officials at this given number: Na .