Pin Code For Mugbasav BO BACK
Office | Mugbasav BO | Pincode | 591104 |
Taluk | Bailhongal | Divison | Belgaum |
District | Belgaum | Region | North Karnataka |
Circle | Karnataka | State | KARNATAKA |
Country | India | Telephone No. | NA |
Office Type | B.O | Delivery Status | Delivery |
Related sub office | Belvadi S.O | Related Head Office | Bailhongal H.O |
or Choose Office from list below
Achmatti BO Agasage BO Akkisagar BO Alarwad BO Aluminium Factory SO Ambadgatti BO Ambewadi BO Amte BO Amtur BO Angol SO Anigol BO Ankalgi BO Apmc Saundatti SO Aralikatti BO Aratgal BO Ashte BO Asundi BO Avaradi BO Avaradi BO Avarolli BO Badas Khalsa BO Badli BO Bailhongal Bazar SO Bailhongal HO Bailhongal SR Chowk SO Bailur BO Bailur BO Bailwad BO Balekundri Kshetra BO Balekundri SO Bannur BO Baragaon BO Basarkod BO Bastwad BO Basvan Kudchi BO Batakurki BO Bekkinkeri BO Bekwad BO Belagundi BO Belavatti BO Belgaum Bus Stand SO Belgaum Camp SO Belgaum City SO Belgaum College Road SO Belgaum Doordarshan Nagar SO Belgaum Fort SO Belgaum HO Belgaum Kapileshwar Road SO Belgaum Khasbag SO Belgaum Kutchery SO Belgaum M Vadgaon SO Belgaum MalMaruti Extension SO Belgaum Nehru Nagar SO Belgaum Records MLI SO Belgaum Shahapur SO Belgaum Shivaji Nagar SO Belgaum Vishweswaraih Nagar SO Belvadi SO Benakanhalli BO Benkatti BO Betsur BO Bhagyanagar SO Belgaum Bhandarhalli BO Bhavihal BO Bhendigeri BO Bhutaramanahatti SO Bidi SO Bijagarni BO Bijaguppi BO Bogur BO Bombarge BO Budarkatti BO Budihal BO Buranaki BO Chachadi BO Chandargi BO Channapur BO Chapagaon BO Chidambar Nagar Saundatti SO Chikahattiholi BO Chikbagewadi BO Chikkop BO Chikkumbi BO Chikmanoli BO Chilmur BO Chipalkatti BO Chulaki BO Chunchnur BO Dastikop BO Degaon BO Deshnur SO Desur BO Devalapur BO Devalatti BO Devara Shigihalli BO Devarai BO Dhaderkoppa BO Dhamne BO Dharnatti BO Dodwad BO Gajminhal BO Gandigwad BO Garalgunji BO Ghataknur BO Giriyal BO Godachi BO Goddikurvinkoppa BO Godholi BO Gojage BO Golyali BO BO Gonnagar BO Goravankolla BO Gorbal BO Govankop BO Gunji BO Halagatti BO Halasal BO Halashi BO Haletorgal BO Halga BO Halga BO Hanabaratti BO Hanamgeri BO Hanchinal BO Handignur BO Hannikeri BO Harugoppa BO Hebbal BO Hindalga SO Hindawadi SO Hirebagewadi SO Hirebellikatti BO Hirebudnur BO Hirehattiholi BO Hirekop BO Hirekumbi SO Hiremanoli BO Hirenandihalli BO Hireulligeri BO Holehosur BO Holenaglapur BO Honaga BO Hooli BO Hoolikatti KTR BO Hoolikatti BO Horalkatti BO Hosavantmuri BO Hoskoti BO Hosur SO Belgaum Hudli Hulkund BO Hunshikatti BO Idalahonda BO Idgal BO Inamhongal BO Inchal BO Ingalgi BO Itagi SO Jakabal BO Jamboti SO KKKoppa BO Kadabi BO Kadoli SO Kadrolli BO Kagdhal BO Kailasnagar BO Kakati SO Kakkeri BO Kalbhavi BO Kalhal BO Kallehal BO Kalmad BO Kanabargi SO Kanakumbi BO Kangali KH BO Kangrali BK BO Kapoli BO Karadiguddi BO Karalga BO Karalkatti BO Karambal BO Karikatti BO Karvinkumpi BO Kasaba Nandgad BO Katkol SO Kednur BO Kenganur BO Khanagaon BO Khanapur SO Belgaum Khanapur Town SO Khudanpur BO Kinaye BO Kittur SDT BO Kittur Channamma School BO Kittur SO Kittur Somwarpeth BO Kodachwad BO Kodliwad BO Kudarimani BO Kukdolli BO Kullur BO Kulvalli BO Kunnal BO Kurihal BO Lakkundi BO Linganmath BO Lokali BO Londa SO M Timmapur BO MKHubli SF SO MKHubli SO Machhe BO Madamgeri BO Madanbhavi BO Madlur BO Majagaon BO Mallur BO Mandoli BO Mangyankop BO Manoli SO Manturge BO Mardinagalapur BO Margankop BO Marihal BO Marikatti BO Markumbi BO Mastamardi BO Mattikoppa BO Mavinkatti BO Modge BO Muchandi BO Mudenur BO Mudkavi BO Mugalihal BO Mugalihal BO Mugbasav BO Mullur BO Murgod SO Murkibhavi BO Mutage BO Mutnal BO Mutwad BO Myakalmardi BO Nagaragali BO Nagnur BO Nandgad SO Nandihal BO Nandihalli BO Nanjankodal BO Narasapur BO Navage BO Navalgatti BO Naviluteertha SO Nayanagar BO Neginhal BO Nekarpeth Ramdurg SO Nerse BO Nesargi SO Nichanki BO Nilaji BO Nilwade BO Nittur BO Nugganatti BO Oblapur BO Olmani BO Pariswad SO Parwad BO Pattihal BO Peeranwadi SO Rainapur BO Rakasakoppa BO Ramdurg HO Ramdurg Town SO Ramgurwadi BO Ranichannamma Nagar SO Rudrapur BO Salahalli SO Salapur BO Sambra SO Sampgaon SO Sangal BO Sangolli BO Sangreshkop BO Santibastwad BO Sattigeri BO Saundatti SO Shindogi BO Shindolli BO Shiroli BO Shivapur BO Sidnal BO Sindholi BO Sirsangi BO Soppadla BO Sri Kshetra Kengeri BO Sri Kshetra Sogal BO Sulage BO Sulebhavi BO Sulge Yellur BO Sunnal BO Sureban SO Surpur Kerwad BO Sutagatti SDT BO Sutgatti BO Suvarna Soudha Belgaum SO Tadsalur BO Tallur BO Tarihal BO Tavaragatti BO Tegghal BO Tigadi BO Tigadolli BO Tilakwadi SO Tolgi BO Tondikatti BO Topinkatti BO Torangatti BO Torgal BO Tummarguddi BO Turamari BO Turkarshigihalli BO Turmuri BO Uchgaon SO Udikeri BO Udpudi BO Udyambag SO Ugargol BO Ugarkhod BO Umtar BO Vakkund BO Vannur BO Vantmuri Colony Belgaum S O Veerapur BO Vijayanagar BO VTU Campus Belgaum SO Wagawade RC BO Yakkundi BO Yallammahill SO Yardal BO Yargatti SO Yarzarvi BO Yellur BO Abbihal BO Adhalli BO Adi BO Aigali SO Ainapur SO Ajur BO Akol SO Alagwadi BO Alaknur BO Anantpur SO Ankali SO Appachiwadi BO Aralihatti BO Arjunnagar BO Artal BO Athani Bazar SO Athani HO Awarkhod BO Badchi BO Badgi BO Balligeri BO Balwad BO Bambalwad BO Bannur BO Barwad BO Bastwad BO Bedkihal SO Bekkeri BO Belkud BO Benadi SO Bevanur BO Bhendwad BO Bhiradi BO Bhivashi BO Bhoj SO Borgaon SO Belgaum Budihal BO Byakud BO Chamakeri BO Chandur BO Chikalwal BO Chikodi Bazar SO Chikodi College Road BO Chikodi Extension BO Chikodi HO Chikodi Road BO Chikodi Sugar Factory SO Chinchali SO Chinchani BO Darur BO Desairhatti BO Dhonewadi BO Dhulaganwadi BO Faridkhanwadi BO Galataga SO Ghatnatti BO Gondikuppi BO Gundewadi BO Gundwad BO Hadnal BO Halhalli BO Hallihal BO Hanamapur BO Hanchinal KS BO Handigund BO Harugeri SO Hattarwat BO Hidkal BO Hirekudi BO Hulagbali BO Hunnargi BO Ingalgaon BO Ingali BO Itnal BO Jainapur BO Jakkarhatti BO Jalalpur BO Jambagi BO Janwad BO Janwad BO Jatrat BO Jodkurli BO Jugul BO Kabbur SO Kadapur BO Kagvad SO Kakmari BO Kallol BO Kankanwadi BO Kannal BO Kappalguddi BO Karadaga BO Karagaon BO Karoshi SO Katakbhavi BO Katgeri BO Katral BO Kempwad BO Kerur BO Khadaklat SO Khanadal BO Khavtkoppa BO Khemalapur BO Khilegaon BO Kirangi BO Kodaganur BO Kodni BO Kognoli SO Kohalli BO Kokatnur SO Koligudda BO Kothali SO Kottalgi BO Krishna Kittur BO Kudchi SO Kudchi Town BO Kunnur BO Kurli BO Kusnal BO Kuthali BO Lakhanapur BO Lokur BO Madbhavi SO Mahishwadgi BO Malabad BO Malikwad BO Mamadapur K L BO Mangavati BO Mangsuli SO Mangur BO Manjari BO Mankapur BO Mantur BO Masarguppi BO Mattiwade BO Mavinhunda BO Mekhali BO Mole BO Molwad BO Morab BO Mugali BO Mugalkhod SO Murgundi BO Nagarmunoli BO Nagnur PK BO Nagnur BO Nagral BO Nainglaj BO Nanadi BO Nandeshwar BO Nandgaon BO Nandikurli BO Nasalapur BO Navalihal BO Navalihal BO Nej BO New Diggewadi BO Nidagundi BO Nilaji BO Nipani Bazar BO Nipani Malbag BO Nipani Nehru Chowk SO Nipani SO Nipnal BO Padlihal BO Palbhavi BO Pangire A BO Pangire B BO Parmanandwadi BO Parthanhalli BO Pattankudi SO Phadatarwadi BO Radderhatti BO Raibag RS BO Raibag SO Raibag Vidyalaya BO Rampur BO Ramtirth BO Sadalga SO Sambargi BO Sankanwadi BO Sankonahatti BO Sankratti BO Saptasagar BO Satti SO Saundalga SO Saundatti BO Saunsuddi BO Savadi BO Shamanewadi BO Shedbal RS BO Shedbal SO Shegunshi BO Shendur BO Shiradwad BO Shirgaon BO Shirguppi BO Shirguppi SO Shirgur BO Shirhatti BO Shirur BO Shivanur BO Shivayoginagar BO Siddapurwadi BO Siddewadi BO Sidnal BO Sulgaon BO Sultanpur BO Suttatti BO Suttatti BO Tangadi BO Tavandi BO Tavashi BO Telsang SO Tirth BO Ugarbudruk BO Ugarkhurd SO Ugarkhurd Town BO Umarani BO Vadral BO Vijaynagar BO Vishnuwadi BO Walki BO Yabaratti BO Yadrav BO Yadur BO Yaksamba SO Yamagarni BO Yelihadalgi BO Yelparhatti BO Zunzurwad BO Akkatangerhal BO Akkiwat BO Ammanagi BO Amminbhavi BO Ankalgi SO Ankle BO Arabhavifarm BO Arabhavimath BO Arjunwad BO Avaradi BO Avargol BO Bad BO Badakundri BO Badigwad BO Basapur BO Bastwad BO Beerangaddi BO Bellad Bagewadi SO BelviBellumbi BO Benchinmardi BO Beniwad BO Berranholi BO Betageri BO Bhairnatti BO Bhartesh Gurukul BO Borgal BO Bugatealur BO Chiknandi BO Daddi SO Dharmatti BO Dhavaleshwar BO Dhupdal BO Duradundi BO Fulgaddi BO Ghataprabha RS SO Ghataprabha SF BO Ghodgeri BO Gokak College Road SO Gokak Falls SO Gokak Fort SO Gokak Guruwarpeth SO Gokak HO Gosbal BO Gubalgudda BO Gudas BO Gurlapur BO Gutagaddi BO Hadalga BO Hadiginal BO Hallur BO Hanchinal BO Haragapur BO Hattialur BO Hebbal SO Hidkal Dam SO Hitni BO Honakuppi BO Hukeri Bazar SO Hukeri Kutchery Road BO Hukeri SO Hulloli BO Hunshyal PG Cross BO Hunshyal PY BO Hunshyal PG BO Islampur BO Jaganur BO Kaitnal BO Kalliguddi BO Kalloli SO Kamaldinni BO Kamatnur BO Kanagala SO Belgaum Karaguppi BO Karnataka Health Institute BO Kaujalgi SO Kemmankol BO Keshappanatti BO Kesti BO Khanatti BO Khandratti BO Khangaon SO Kochari BO Kolvi BO Koninkeri BO Konnur SO Belgaum Kot BO Kotabagi BO Kulgod SO Kundargi BO Kurni BO Lolsur SO Madihali BO Madwal BO Makkalgeri BO Maldinni BO Mallapur KA BO Mamadapur SO Managutti BO Mannikeri BO Maradimath BO Market Yard BO Masaguppi BO Mattiwade BO Mavanur BO Melmanhatti BO Melvanki BO Mudalgi SO Munyal BO Naganur BO Naganur KM BO Nallanatti BO Nandgaon BO Narasinghpur BO Nerli SO Nidasoshi SO Nirwanhatti BO Pachhapur SO Pamaldinni BO Patagundi BO Rajapur BO Rashing BO Salamwadi BO Sangankeri BO Sankeshwar Bazar BO Sankeshwar College Road BO Sankeshwar Market Yard BO Sankeshwar SO Sankeshwar Subhas Circle SO Sankeshwar Sugar Factory SO Sarapur BO Shiltibhavi BO Shindikurbet BO Shippur BO Shirgaon BO Shirhatti BO Shivapur H BO Shivapur K BO Solapur BO Suldhal BO Sultanpur BO Sunadholi BO Sutagatti BO Talakatnal BO Tavag BO Thana Hattargi SO Tigadi BO Tukkanatti BO Ullagaddi Khanapur BO Urabinatti BO Venkatapur BO Waderhatti BO Yadgud BO Yadwad SO Yamakanmardi SO Yaragudri BO Yarnal BO Yelimanoli BO Zangatihal BOIn the Indian postal system:
- PIN: The term "PIN" stands for Postal Index Number.
- Format: The PIN code is a six-digit code.
- Structure: The PIN code is structured as follows: ABCDEF.
- A: Represents the postal zone of the destination.
- B: Represents the sub-zone or the circle.
- C: Represents the sorting district within the zone.
- DEF: Represents the specific post office within the sorting district.
For example, a PIN code like 110001 might be interpreted as follows:
- 1: Northern zone
- 10: Delhi circle
- 001: Connaught Place sorting district
A "PIN code" typically refers to a Postal Index Number code, commonly known as a PIN code, used in postal systems to facilitate the sorting and delivery of mail.
Key points about a PIN code include:
Format: The PIN code is a numerical code, usually composed of digits.
Function: The primary purpose of a PIN code is to identify specific geographic areas or post offices within a region. It helps postal services route mail efficiently to its destination.
Structure: The structure of the code may vary depending on the country's postal system. For example, in the Indian postal system:
- The PIN code is a six-digit number.
- The digits are organized to represent different levels of geographic location, such as the zone, circle, sorting district, and specific post office.
Usage: When sending mail, including the correct PIN code in the address helps ensure that the mail is directed to the right location during the sorting and delivery process.
Localization: Different countries have their own systems for postal codes, and the terminology may vary. For instance, in the United States, the term "ZIP code" is commonly used, while in the United Kingdom, it's referred to as a "postcode."
Efficiency: The use of PIN codes or postal codes is crucial for the efficient functioning of postal services, enabling them to handle large volumes of mail and deliver it accurately to specific destinations.
- "PIN Code Finder Pro: Locate Postal Codes Effortlessly"
- "Pinpoint Your PIN: The Ultimate Code Locator"
- "PIN Code Discovery: Your Essential Postal Tool"
- "PIN Code Explorer: Unlock Your Location Code"
- "Efficient PIN Code Finder: Your Postal Solution"
- "Seamless PIN Code Search: The Ultimate Locator"
- "Navigate Locations: PIN Code Finder Plus"
- "PIN Code Master: Your Location Code Companion"
- "Unlock Your Area: PIN Code Locator 2.0"
- "PIN Code Wizard: Precision at Your Fingertips"
- "PIN Code Explorer Pro: The Ultimate Locator Tool"
- "PIN Code Expert: Navigate Regions with Ease"
- "PIN Code Locator Hub: Where Regions Meet Precision"
- "Discover Your PIN: The Ultimate Code Finder"
- "PIN Code Pro Finder: Unleash Location Precision"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Prime"
- "Unlock Area Codes: PIN Code Search Plus"
- "Precision PIN Code Discovery: Finder X"
- "Master Your Region: PIN Code Finder Elite"
- "PIN Code Maestro: Effortless Location Navigation"
- "Navigate Localities: PIN Code Finder 360"
- "PIN Code Genius: Precision at Every Location"
- "PIN Code Locator Plus: Seamless Location Search"
- "PIN Code Navigator Pro: Unlock Region Codes"
- "Efficient PIN Code Discovery: Finder's Choice"
- "PIN Code Explorer Plus: Effortless Precision"
- "PIN Code Wizardry: Your Location Code Solution"
- "PIN Code Guru: Precision Location Navigation"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Workshop"
- "Unlock Locations: PIN Code Masterclass"
- "PIN Code Navigator: Unlocking Location Codes"
- "Discover Your Region: PIN Code Finder Atelier"
- "Efficient PIN Code Search: Finder's Arsenal"
- "PIN Code Explorer Supreme: Unlock Every Location"
- "Navigate Localities: PIN Code Finder Insight"
- "Mastering Location Codes: PIN Code Explorer X"
- "PIN Code Guru Plus: Unlocking Regions with Ease"
- "Effortless PIN Code Navigation: Finder's Loft"
- "PIN Code Expertise: Seamless Location Precision"
- "Unlock Your Area: PIN Code Finder Expert"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Workshop"
- "Discover Your PIN: The Ultimate Code Finder"
- "PIN Code Navigator Pro: Unlock Region Codes"
- "Efficient PIN Code Discovery: Finder's Choice"
- "PIN Code Explorer Plus: Effortless Precision"
- "PIN Code Wizardry: Your Location Code Solution"
- "PIN Code Guru: Precision Location Navigation"
- "Navigate Regions: PIN Code Finder Workshop"
- "Unlock Locations: PIN Code Masterclass"
- "PIN Code Navigator: Unlocking Location Codes"
What is the Pin Code of Mugbasav bo , Karnataka?
Mugbasav bo Pin Code is 591104.
Mugbasav bo is located in Belvadi s.o Belgaum , Karnataka, India.
What is the contact address for Mugbasav bo Post Office, Karnataka?
ZINZAMugbasav bo Post Office is located at Belgaum , Karnataka, 591104 .
Belvadi s.o Post Office is a Sub Post Office, which comes under the Head Post Office Bailhongal h.o.
What is the contact number for Mugbasav bo Post Office, Karnataka?
You may contact the Mugbasav bo Post Office officials at this given number: Na .